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Bereken de prijs van jouw website

Want to calculate the cost of your web design project quickly and without obligation? Use our handy calculation tool for a live price estimate.

Convinced? Send us your calculation and receive a personal quote for approval.

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Website cost calculator
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Hoeveel moet een website nu echt kosten?

At We, Creatives we understand that the cost of a web design project is a crucial question for many marketing managers and business owners. That's why we've developed our user-friendly website price calculator, which offers you a direct, clear price estimate without you having to leave any personal information. This way, based on a few basic questions, you immediately have a rough idea of ​​what cost you can expect.

Of course, there are a lot of additional variables that play a role in how much your website will ultimately cost. We like to list the most important items.

1. Domain and Hosting

Every web design project starts with purchasing a domain name and setting up your host. You typically pay around €30 per year for a domain name, and easily more than €10 per month for a standard hosting package.

At We, Creatives we give you the choice: do you take care of purchasing your domain name and setting up and linking a hosting package yourself, or would you rather let us arrange this?

2. CMS

A CMS, or Content Management System, is the system in which the content of your website is maintained. We opt to use WordPress for almost all website requests we receive. WordPress is a very popular open-source (= free) software with which websites can be built.

3. Content

Of course, the content of your site also has a great influence on the final cost of your project. As you have probably already discovered with the above tool: the more content, pages and products you want, the more work goes into designing and building your website.

4. Functions

In addition to the volume of content and pages on your site, the functions you want to use also influence the cost of your project. WordPress has some built-in functions that can be used to create a basic website, but for maximum flexibility in design and for specific technical requirements, additional 'plugins' often need to be used. For example, do you want a webshop function on your WordPress site? Then this must be provided additionally.

5. The design process

Even if you have formulated a clear answer to all the above parameters, there is still a good chance that you will receive widely different prices from different web designers or agencies when you request a quote.

Of course, this is largely (in part – unfortunately, ignorance is still widely exploited) because each web designer offers a different design process and customer service. For example, at We, Creatives we only include 1 feedback round in our price as standard. Do you want more? Then of course your cost price will also increase.

Why do I pay for a domain and a hosting package?

Do you only work with WordPress?

Why isn't every agency so open about prices?

How long does it take to create a website?